Hacking Practical Guide book for Beginners

Hacking Practical Guide for Beginners

By: Jeff Simon

I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “Hacking: Hacking
for Beginners”.
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to learn the fundamentals of
This eBook will teach you the basic principles of hacking. It will explain the three types of
hackers as well as the tools that you can use. It will give you a detailed study plan on how
to improve your skills and knowledge in a short period of time. In addition, this book will
teach you how to use the Python programming language.
An entire chapter is dedicated to penetration testing. That chapter will explain the different
parts and requirements of an effective test. Additionally, that material will arm you with
specific tools and techniques that you can use in your own “pen tests”.
The lessons that you’ll find in this book rely on an operating system called Kali Linux.
Kali is the preferred OS of hackers and penetration testers. This OS contains an extensive
collection of hacking tools. With Kali, you won’t have to download and install extra
programs. You can use it as is.
This eBook will also discuss defense-oriented topics such as malware protection. This
way, you’ll know what to do in case you have to attack a target or thwart a hacker’s
If you’re looking for a comprehensive book about basic hacking, this is the book you
Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Fundamentals of Hacking

Chapter 2: Hacking - A Guide for Beginners

Chapter 3: How to Hack with Python

Chapter 4: Basic Computer Security

Chapter 5: Penetration Testing

Chapter 6: Specific Hacking Techniques

Chapter 7: How to Protect Yourself


Click download button to download this book for free
 ( thanks me on my Instagram account :- https://www.instagram.com/mk_manish4u/ )

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